Monday, September 2, 2024

August 31, September 2

Welcome to the last day of August. Tomorrow meteorological fall begins though it still feels like summer. I have noticed the first faint tinge of color changes in some of the trees but the real change willl start when we get much cooler nights.

Jan-in-Sanfran blogging at CAN IT HAPPEN HERE? posted an interesting piece: The Baby Boom Endures? Some time ago, when the presidential race appeared to be between Biden and Trump (again!!), I thought the contest would mark the last such "Baby Boomer" contest. We (because I am a boomer myself) would be moved off because of age. I never thought of Harris or Walz as Baby Boomers but they are. I am three yeas younger than Trump and seven younger than Biden (who is not actually a boomer). However, Harris was born in 1964 generally defined as the last year of the boom generation. She is two years younger than my youngest brother and four years younger than my youngest sister. Neither one has the physical vitality of either. Harris or Walz. As Jan notes the idea of a "generation" is very fuzzy just like the historical notion of "centuries" or "eras."

WIRED published an article on a problem I heard about a decade ago when a blogger I used to read, who has since died, reported on the problem when she had to have her fingerprints taken that hers were unreadable my the usual ink-and-press method. Fortunately, her police department had a new hand print scanner which was able to read her prints. I never could get my last MacBook to work with my finger print but the iPad and my current MacBook set up nicely. My mother has to use her password.

Sept 2******************************************************************************

I was totally lazy yesterday. We did have one errand to pick up our new glasses. Mom is especially glad her's came in because she has been totally without for about two weeks since we lost her old pair. We still haven't found any sign of them. We got two pair for her so she has a spare pair as well as a spare for me.

It was chilly this morning when I went out to water plants. A few degrees less and I would have been able to see my breath. While I did that I pulled the dahlia which has pretty much given up the ghost. I will replace it with a pot of mums soon. I haven't pulled the one pot of spindly petunias but they will also be replaced by mums. That gives me some fall color.

Bill Astore has written a post outlining his objections to Harris. I can understand and I agree that her backtracking on opposition to fracking and reversing her support of Medicare For All in favor of the status quo of Obamacare. He does note that Trump's positions (for the moment) aren't any better and may be worse but he doesn't see that as any reason to vote for Harris even as he doesn't plant to vote for Trump. Unfortunately, I don't see an acceptable third candidate I could vote for that wouldn't likely ensure the worst bad (Trump) will win over the less bad (Harris). Astore mentions Jill Stein in this post and he makes a good point: the argument that a vote for Stein is the equivalent of a vote for Trump might as easily be be considered a vote ensuring Harris a win. He is quite right and the Green Party's platform is more in line with a lot of policies I would support. However, would enough she have enough support in Congress and the Senate? I rather doubt it. And there is the problem of where the Supreme Court will end up because many of policies, if passed politically, will end up contested in the courts. Democracy requires honest debate and a willingness to compromise. Both of those qualities appear to be in very short supply.

CROOKS AND LIARS posted a piece concerning the proposed merger between Kroger and Albertson's grocery chains. The two are engaged with the Federal Government in an anti-trust lawsuit. It reminds me of a story back in the darkest days of the pandemic which described comments made by some CEOs at a meeting who gloated about being able to jack up prices well above inflation because they could always blame inflation anyway. 

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