Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 16, 20

 Another sunny Monday. I will water the plants but we have errands to run so I won't do much other work. Besides the forecast calls for temperatures in the mid 80s which means it will hit 100F or better on our patio.

Well, Trump has survived another assassination attempt. Has it occurred to anyone else that both the attempts, even the one that resulted in a nipped ear on the former president, have been halfassed? I'm not minimizing a serious matter. Even a screwed up, amateurish attack can succeed. I despise the man but I don't wish dead by anything but natural causes, which given his age is possible. I hope we aren't approaching a "bleeding Kansas" moment in our politics where violence is almost normal and expected.

Heather Cox Richardson has a very sane post this morning. I love her description of the latest from a cartoonist she follows.


As you can see I didn't have much of interest to post for a few days. I am sorry but, for the most part, politics has become extremely boring. And , unfortunately, our news media is fixated on it almost to the exclusion of everything else. Even stories like the turmoil in Springfield, Ohio, is covered largely from the perspective of politics which boils down to who is spouting idiotic nonsense and who is outraged. I will let you guess which is which.

Stray thought: JD Vance did say something that few have really picked up on. Two things actually. Asked why he didn't check the facts behind the story he circulated of "illegal" (NOT) Haitians stealing dogs and cats to eat he said it was the media's job to check the facts not his. And asked why he continued to spew the false stories he simply said those stories were what he "chose to believe." This seems to be the attitude of a lot of the Trump base--they have their beliefs and no facts shake their belief.

Another stray thought: one of the bloggers I read expressed a worry that the endorsements of the Chaneys and other prominent Republicans is a stealth take over of the Democratic Party.  None of them have joined the Democratic Party they nor are they expressing support of Democratic policies. They are simply expressing their lack of support for Trump. We have a Republican mayor in our city I have voted for for years because he had done a good job getting things done we needed. I haven't voted for any other Republican. I bet that all those Republicans will be glad to go back to debating policy once (if) Trump loses.

Although I said politics are boring I find political history (any history actually) is fascinating. David Kaiser has an interesting review of a book (THE FRAMER'S COUP) that I have put on my reading list along with another I am half finished with (FEAR OF A SETTING SUN) which deals with the writing, and ratification of the Constitution. The latter also describes the fears of many of the founders in the decades after ratification that the scheme they established wouldn't last and, perhaps, was breaking before it was well established. I have thought for some time that we aren't taught nearly as much history as we should be taught. Over the last two centuries the Constitution has become a mythical construct that, like any other "holy" text, is used to justify contradictory beliefs. It is accepted as uncritically as the Bible.

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