Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 5, 6, 7

 Sunny day for now but the weather people say rain may move in later and last through tomorrow. I did some work in the gardens: pulled five plants and transplanted 2. We did some grocery shopping yesterday and our favorite dairy had its yearly offering of mums. I bought four. The two red were the transplants for today but that was tiring enough I quit for the day. If the rain holds off I will place those red mums beside the front door and get the yellow ones transplanted. They will stay on the patio. The forecast is for some cooler weather which, if we get it, will be good for some outside work.

Ed West at THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY posted an interesting article on "History's greatest crossovers, part 3." He starts off describing the events which occurred during the lives of two "supercentenarian." But now-a-days you don't even have to be a centenarian or supercentenarian to have lived through significant changes. My mother is 93. She remembers when telephones were rare and the only one in her apartment building was in the landlady's apartment to be used for emergency and short calls. During her life phones have become ubiquitous, cordless, and capable of much more than voice communication.


Nice and cool today. Forecast temperature should only reach the mid-60s. It is welcome. Sunny right now but rain should move in. But I got the gardening done. The mums are in place and watered. I have a bunch of clean up planned for the next couple of months. Thankfully, I don't have any pressure to do it fast.

Somehow this isn't surprising. What does surprise me is, given the number of cyber crimes including some that have exploited weaknesses in various banking and finance systems world wide, that some still try to push a cashless society. People simply don't recognize the need for some redundancy in their systems. Using cash as well as electronic monetary transfers provides a bit of a safety net.

Well, Colin Gray has joined the Crumbly couple as parents in legal jeopardy because of their sons' actions. The Crumbly parents and son have been tried and convicted in the murders the boy committed at his school. Colin Gray is also accused in his son's assaults and murders at his school. The parents in both cases gave the boys the guns used even though they had discussions with authorities over the sons' suspect activities and failed to supervise them.

Oh, my--what an earthquake on the Republican side of our politics. Liz Chaney has endorsed and will vote for Harris. And she said, in answer to a question from the interviewer, that her father, Dick Chaney, will do the same. I heard some of the pundits saying that a number of powerful Republicans "secretly" hope Trump loses. I hope the Chaneys' pronouncement makes other Republicans come out in the open.


The promised rain finally arrived. My plants all seem to be perking up with that and the cooler weather. I am taking things easier today because my right forefinger is a bit painful.

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