Friday, December 23, 2011

Good morning on this day before Christmas Eve.  No change in the weather.  Thankfully we won't get the last round of snow that hit the plains from the north.  Update: yes the weather has changed!!  Sun!!  I almost forgot what sunshine looked like.

I am glad to see another Federal judge is challenging the government's wrist-slap settlements with financial companies.  I hope many more do the same.

This story tells us where disgraced former legislators go after they leave government--lobbying for big business.

Well, the Repthuglicans finally decided to go along with the Senate on the two-month extension of the payroll tax holiday and unemployment extension.  For the first time the Tea Partiers and their allies over-reached themselves.  One of the commentators yesterday noted that Boehner's news conference was really putting 'a lot of lipstick' on the pig.  Let's see if they are more cooperative in the negotiations for the full year extension.

I don't know if we have become numb to the lies and other forms of prevarications, Kay.  I think most of us now take the pronouncements with a large dose of salt.  I noticed this morning the reporters presenting the bombings in Syria that the Syrian government has attributed to Al Qaeda remarked that it was very convenient timing with the Arab League representatives either just arrived or just about to arrive for talks about the unrest in Syria.  Terrorism has become a wonderful catch all for any opponents.  I am surprised our own government hasn't insisted that the Occupy movement had ties to Al Qaeda.

For those who wonder what my gardens look like in the winter:

The frame at the left of the top picture is the mini-greenhouse.  The cover is folded up in its box for now.  I will put it up again in early March.  I moved it toward the house where I hope it will get enough shade to moderate the temperature.  Last summer it got up to 120F in there.  The tidy cat boxes and white buckets have a capacity of about 5 gal. and are perfect for peppers and tomatoes.  The other containers are all larger.  The milk jugs in the blue container in the lower picture are covering the blueberries.  As I said a couple of days ago, Kuma found them and thinks they are tasty.  I have never tried to overwinter hardy plants in the containers so the blueberries, roses, German thyme, mums, lavender and lemon balm are an experiment.  The lemon balm looks rather pathetic now but below the dead leaves lie some nice bright green leaves.  I have two new containers that are just a little smaller than the big ones in the pictures I got at the end of season sales.  I will put them into production next spring along with a whole bunch of other smaller pots.  Six months from now the patio will look like a jungle again.  One very good thing about container gardening is that the rabbits and squirrels aren't much of a problem even if they could squeeze through the fence somewhere.

Don't worry about going on, Nicola.  Everything you say is right on point.

Green Prophet posted this story that fits well with the Christmas season.

Well, one of my wish books (a.k.a., seed catalogs) came in the mail so I will end this and take a look.  See y'all later.


Nicola said...

I can spend hours pouring over the seed catalogue working out my planting schemes. Lemon balm is a good plant in the garden. We use it a lot in the front of our borders especially when we want a soft edge to the border. I love the fresh look of the greeny yellow leaves and of course the smell when you stroke the leaves. Do you use the leaves for anything?

Many times we have thought that we have lost the plant in the winter but it always comes back bigger each year. We have divided ours many times.

Our garden is confused at the moment, we have plants flowering that shouldn't show until May. If we get a frost we will loose the blooms.

We use bubble wrap to cover our less hardy plants. Last year our echiums looked like a row of snowman when they were wrapped up.

Have a good Christmas I will catch up with your posts when we are back from visiting our family.

Kay Dennison said...

I so love to see your gardens -- even when dormant!!

I wish some thugs would get some sort of retribution but know that they'll go on to fleece us in other ways when they leave (hope fully soon).