Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cloudy, cold and wet. We got the freezing rain last night and the temperatures are supposed to stay in the 30s today and 40s for the next 4 or 5 days. Winter is reminding us it is still around.

I did a double take on the title of this article and found that the content was not what I expected. I have gotten used to seeing articles that blame Boomers and older people for the economic mess which nobody has any notion of how to fix (we supposedly consumed so much so mindlessly), for destroying the environment with our throw-away consumerist behavior, for getting sick and consuming too many medical services and drugs, etc. The actual point the author tried to make is that the term "senior citizen" should be discontinued because it implies that old people are somehow separate from/different from "normal" people. It helps support the picture of old people as somehow deviating from the normal in an undesirable way, experience a creeping decrepitude that pervades every aspect of life. People, all people, age. No one escapes. "Senior Citizen" has become a euphemism that obscures that natural process.

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