Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sunny today but still cold. No more snow for a while. Maybe, with warmer temps and rain tomorrow and Thursday, some of the white mountains will disappear but I expect some of this will be around till April.

Saw this this morning. I have two thoughts: anther goddam attempt for faux-conservative moralists to micromanage the poor and another goddam way for private business to fatten at the public expense. Let the looting continue.

Infidel753 posted an interesting piece on the controversy brewing over the census. Yesterday the administration's nominee to run the census in 2020 withdrew after fierce opposition. The Justice Department told the Census Bureau they wanted a question as to the responder's citizenship. And I remember being irritated by the intrusive nature of the questions last time. I hadn't gotten to the point of refusing to answer--but for how much longer??

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