Thursday, May 28, 2020

May 26

I saw this interview when it was first broadcast. Don't you just love being described as human capital stock. It is what I would expect from the current administration: insensitive, narcissistic, cruel. And by the way, given that half of the 90k+ who have died are not over 65, some 45k+ of the dead are working age and so part of that "human capital stock." So that asset was not as intact as Hassett claimed.

I still wonder if this isn't a joke but considering how innane so many of the people are who refuse to wear a mask or social distance while demanding their "right" to get a haircut or a manicure or party hearty, it may not be.

May 27

May 28

We have a bit of sun now but I would guess not for long. The weather forecast is for scattered storms all day. No problem. I got our trash out for pick up and swept the patio. The maple seeds are falling so that needs to be done periodically. At least I won't have to water.

I went through the jars on our tea shelf and gathered up the empty ones. Our local bulk tea/spice/grains shop isn't going to be allowed to reopen until late in June. The health department classifies it with buffets so the opening is delayed. I don't feel comfortable calling in an order so we will wait. We generally go in and stock up about every three or four months and it is well beyond that now. We will pick up some alternatives at the supermarket next week. Damn!

The U.S. tally is now 100k+ deaths. How much higher that goes is anyone's guess. Given what we saw over the weekend and the number of protests and outright defiance of medical advice, I think we might be lucky if we don't hit 200k by September. The news this morning had a piece about a recently released research paper which claims that the virus is airborne not just droplet borne. That would be a nasty game changer. Think about how many of our buildings are pretty much self-contained environments where air is circulated inside but not much comes in from outside.

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