Saturday, May 30, 2020

May 29

Well, I guess Twitter has upped the ante in its dispute with #45. They have masked one of his tweets on the Minneapolis riots. I hope they stand pat. He may be the President, however unPresidential he behaves, but that doesn't mean rules don't apply to him. The situation doesn't need him adding gasoline to the fire.

Found this item from the Smithsonian this morning. The contrast is mind blowing. The last sentence makes a very good point: one irony of public health is that the more successful experts are, the more people forget about the dangers. 

May 30

Sunny but cool today. Already five months of this year gone. Given what has gone on so far I 
am somewhat apprehensive about the rest of the year.

Oh, well. I found this just a bit ago. Sounds like last year's nasty fire season in the high latitudes is about to rise from the dead.

For a bit of gallows humor head over to the Onion. There is, indeed, a right way and a wrong way to loot businesses.

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