Saturday, September 19, 2020

 September 17

Cool right now. Waiting to see if we will get sun. It has been trying but not enthusiastically. I would like to clean out at least some of the shed today but not if I will get rained on.

It is nice to have a bit of humor this early in the morning. Thank you, Margaret and Helen.

John Feffer at Foreign Policy In Focus: Trump's Scorched Earth Doctrine. We have our doubts about how anyone who comes after #45 whenever he goes wherever will repair the damage he has done and will do. We will be living with this chaos for a long time--probably long enough for some of it to feel "normal."

September 18

More reading:

On Naked Capitalism: Thousands of New York "Long Haulers" Struggle with COVID-19 Months After Diagnosis. I have seen similar account but only rarely. They don't seem to make the news.

September 19

Though not exactly unexpected, was sad to hear about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. The announcement had hardly been made when Moscow Mitch insisted the Senate will vote on whichever candidate #45 nominates. Someone had it right this morning when they said that all Repthuglicans care about is power and Damnocrats had better start cultivating the same attitude. Or perhaps we, the voters should reduce both parties to minority status and support some new ones.

I have been busy cleaning out my shed and the gardening supplies. The weather is finally cool enough to make that pleasant. I don't know how cool it got outside last night but we down to about 69 inside. Time to break out the flannel nightgowns and sweats. I also took all of the gardening stuff out of the whatnot room since I won't be starting plants inside anymore.

Anyone who thinks we have "rounded the corner" on COVID is as delusional as #45. This is what is happening in Europe. And we have idiots traipsing around stores urging people to take off their masks. We shopped at three stores yesterday and everyone, including us, was wearing masks.

Ah, yes. The "new normal." We haven't had to wait in lines except at the checkout stands and we haven't visited the library even when we could have used curb side pick up.

It has been an active hurricane season and we have a month and a half to go yet. Possibly two months if hurricanes form after the traditional close of the season on November 1. We are two names into the Greek alphabet having exhausted the English list for the year.You can get more info here. Bloomberg has a piece on our horrible year of natural disaster.

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