Thursday, September 10, 2020

 September 8

We had heavy rains and thunderstorms from early this morning to just a few minutes ago. We had shopping to do and found the traffic signals around that shopping area were out. Can't say about the rest of the city since we didn't go by any others on our trip and by the time we came home everything seemed to be working again. Store employees said the electricity went out about 7:30 and by the time we went in a little before 9 they had all of the dairy covered in plastic and had pulled all of the stock out of the meat department. We watched as they finally got power back and rushed to get everything open again. I did notice a lot of gaps in the shelves in other parts of the stores. A lot of open spaces in the juice aisle especially. I have read reports from other parts of the country from shoppers who had to go to several stores to get everything on their lists and sometimes didn't get it all. That is something people aren't really used to--I know we weren't but over the last few years have made an effort to find new sources and/or workarounds. 

Tom Engelhardt is back with a good post on our "Great, Great Fall."

September 9

The decline in the American oil industry is continuing. Low oil prices over the last 10 years has now been compounded by the decline in demand because of the pandemic. Gizmodo continues the story. Another concern that has received only sporadic is also mentioned in the article: the environmental damage caused by the deterioration of abandoned wells.

September 10

Another pandemic change: making appointments. Mom got an e-mail from her eye doctor three weeks before her appointment. They always contacted her a day or two before to remind her and confirm the details. This year they also gave details of their new procedures--an extensive list though nothing we haven't become used accustomed to. I called my eye care provider to get my own appointment. I usually plan mine for the day after Mom's. I was glad I decided to call much earlier than the usual week before because they were booked up solid til the 26th. The receptionist was half apologetic and very glad when I told her that I hoped for a slot a bit later. Ordinary life takes more forethought and planning.

A number of talking heads on news/commentary shows have noted that the Biden-Harris campaign is having a hard time appealing to Hispanic voters. Most have been smart and aware enough to notice that there is not a single kind of Hispanic voter just as there is not a single kind of white voter or black voter. This piece on Down With Tyranny should reinforce that idea.

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