Friday, September 4, 2020

 September 4

We have a nice crisp, sunny day today. We are debating when we should switch over to the heating but last night the temperature in the house only fell to 76F. The low outside was somewhere in the mid 50s, Evidently the weather forecasting models finally agreed on a cooling trend for the week. I was going to do some garden work but we had to make a trip to the dairy because the milk wouldn't have lasted the long weekend.

Isn't it nice how #45 screws one group of people to make it appear as though he is helping another and thereby bribe that second group to vote for him? Ronni Bennett at Time Goes By explains the implications of his "payroll tax holiday." I remember when he first proposed it he promised he would make it permanent when he was reelected. I have often thought (and said out loud) that there are a sizable group who were just waiting for a damned good crisis to weep crocodile tears, ring their hand, pretend sympathy for all us old geezers who so foolishly thought we could depend on the government to keep its promises and then cancel Social Security and all its attendant programs because it cost too much to keep it going. I half suspected they would keep the payroll taxes to spend elsewhere. Number 45 is doing his usual and going with half-assed measures that won't appreciably help anyone but making a big noise about how much he is doing. Remember he brought calm to Kenosha--at least according to himself.

This would be hopeful except every store I shop at except for the dairy insists that customers use single use plastic bags because of the coronavirus. At one the cashiers are prohibited from bagging the merchandise if customers insist on using their own reusable bags. They have only a small turntable for the bags so using your own is both inconvenient and slow. Another that has a long conveyer belt for the merchandise still insists on customers using single use bags even though the customer bags what they buy themselves and the cashier never touches the bags. We use them as liners for our trash cans and to clean out our cats' box. I am looking at using them in crafts as well. But I do wish we could use our reusables again.

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