Friday, August 25, 2023

August 25

The weather forecasts say it should be considerably cooler today with possible showers. I don't know if the overnight rain came it is still too dark to see anything. I am going to defer watering til tomorrow. We will be shopping today and the dairy might have their fall selection of mums. If they do I will pick up 5 or 6. I already have four empty containers after taking out the spent plants. We changed our minds because we are expecting a package and would like to be present to receive it.

The news has been focused on the "perp walk" that wasn't. No handcuffs, no honest information on the intake forms (really only 215 lbs, strawberry blond hair??) which was all provided by the accused. Lovely "mug shot" by the way. The coverage reminded me of the coverage of the "slow speed chase" of O.J. Simpson. A lot of time spent on less than nothing. A couple of the news readers noted how The Former Guy continues to command the news cycle (a.k.a., unpaid publicity). I really wish they would--just stop. The Former Guy has set so many records and broken so many norms it is difficult to list the all: first president to be impeached twice (barely escaped being the first convicted in the senate), the first indicted (four times for 91 charges), the first convicted in a civil sexual assault case which the judge said was really rape, the first whose company has been convicted of financial crimes. And that doesn't include the "firsts" from yesterday.

And the news is also fixated on the "debate" and the GOP "hopefuls" performances. As you can guess by the quotation marks, it was no real debate and the wannabes on the stage don't have much hope. The Former Guy still has a commanding leading in the polls. The polls say that the "winner" of the "debate" was Ron DeSantis followed by Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley. According to the analysts DeSantis performed up to his usual low standard--lackluster, no personality, few ideas.

Robert Reich has a long piece on his substack this morning. He traces the history of our current political morass from Nixon through to The Former Guy. It has, indeed, been an era of "anything it takes to win" thinking. However, there is something even more corrosive: a sense of entitlement. Too many now believe that they deserve to win elections (all elections), what ever they want is right and righteous, and if they appear to lose the other side has cheated. That constellation of attitudes makes the anything is permissible to rectify the loss, including violence. What is truly concerning is how many enablers TFG has gathered to support him.

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