Tuesday, August 2, 2022

August 1-2

 First day of August and it is nice and sunny though it is a bit warm and we have a strong possibility of thundershowers later. I just threw some of my all purpose fertilizer in my squash pots and found a small thumb sized fruit developing. I think it is a spaghetti quash but I have forgotten which variety I planted in which bucket. The bees have been quite busy.

I wasn't going to post anything but then I saw this. I decided to do a search for other sources and found several including Fortune, The Guardian, and Barrons. Just when you think he can't be any more of a self-centered, narcissistic, greedy waste of allegedly human flesh, he proves he can go lower.


Well, a repulsive murderer has been repulsively and deservedly murdered (to paraphrase Hercule Poirot in Murder on the Orient Express.) I refuse to soften the rhetoric around the death of Al Qaida's leader whose long history of killing (and not just Americans and not just military personnel) makes him a just target of the action. By any possible justice rendered by a court wasn't possible because of his geographic location so some other kind of reckoning had to be meted out. The Taliban has shown, yet again, that they can't be trusted to keep any agreements they make with us, as has Putin. 

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