Monday, August 8, 2022

August 8

 Well, I might be able to work on Bloglovin' which has not been the case for the last three or so weeks. We'll see how long that lasts. I still have no idea why it was unavailable.

So what did I miss? Well, Charles Hugh Smith had this post on why employers are having such a difficulty finding employees in, what we are assured, is a booming economy. When we are out and about here we still see signs everywhere that the business is hiring. We are retired and have no desire to return to the workforce. Neither of us have the strength or stamina for most of the jobs out there and don't have the experience or education for most of the rest. He notes that younger people aren't eager to sign up for employment as was traditional. Another article I saw recently called their attitude the "quiet resignation." The workers want a better work-life balance and no longer do whatever the employers demand. Overtime? Nope. Answering calls after work hours? Nope. Kids' games, school plays, recitals" Yep, even if they have to take time off. 

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