Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 18, 20

Sunny today and the wind has died down. I found a trellis, the shepherd's hook with the wind chimes, and anchored by two 5-gal buckets had been blown over. I put it back upright but the shepherd's hood is no longer straight up. I think the trellis was the factor which the wind caught to topple everything over. Later in the week I will have to untether the buckets from the trellis and put the trellis in the shed for the season.

Nouriel Roubini wrote a piece to update his MEGATHREATS book published last year and updating his assessments. The assessment is even bleaker than it was in the book.


Sunny again today. Been busy already because we are doing laundry and I had potatoes to boil for potato salad.

Aurelien has a post on the Ukraine situation that bleeds over into comments on The West and the U.S. in particular that presents a bleak future, especially for those who think the past is what the future will be. I never had an optimistic view of how the conflict would go. I based my notions on a couple of factors: the fact that the Russian population was a bit more than three times the Ukrainian population and that the Donbas, which Russia pretty much controlled for a number of years was the industrial center of Ukraine. You need an industrial system that can supply the military. I was surprised about how poorly the Russian Army performed. They still aren't very impressive but they aren't collapsing and the government is not either. The Russians have cannibalized parts of their population to replace losses (The Wagner Group, the jails, Shanghai-ing men off the street, the ethnic minorities and "allies" like the Chechens). But they have more to cannibalize than the Ukrainians do. Pay special attention to Aurelien's comments about the economics of war. They certainly don't favor either Ukraine or The West. And much of what he has to say about our technology has been said by other bloggers I read.

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