Monday, December 25, 2023

December 24, 25

Good Christmas Eve morning to all who celebrate that season. Our celebrations have become smaller and simpler. We stay home more often than not and this year it was a lucky thing we are again. My brother stopped by to drop off a present: a tin of homemade cookies and candies, and four bottles of his homemade wine. We don't drink alcoholic beverages much but I am starting to cook with it more. He didn't come in because his son and grandsons are sick with the season's respiratory viruses and he didn't want to share those. He has just recovered from the same. One of the hospital systems that have several hospitals and clinics around the area (though not in our county) has reinstitute mask rules for those visiting patients in the hospitals. COVID, RSV, and flu (plus other viruses) have been spiking up here. We still keep masks in our purses and will wear them if asked.

Merry Christmas*******************************************

Well, the temperature on the patio was about 50F. Mom said she couldn't remember a Christmas Day temperature in the 50s. Needless to say--no white Christmas.

Most of what I have seen on the tube and on-line have been reminiscences--some interesting, some not so.

However, Robert Reich has an interesting post: How Old Is Too Old? A lot of what he says strikes a chord. I know I am not as mentally sharp as I was but I find, looking at the younger politicians that make the news with inane comments, that I still have a good memory and am sharp enough to be totally aghast at the gaps in their education and experience. Like Reich I don't have much patience with stupidity and spend too much time swearing at the pundits and politicians on TV. So much of popular culture passes me by--I simply don't have the interest to follow the people or happenings. I find that the new movies are more likely to elicit a "ho hum" than real interest. Same with new books. A lot of the authors I once enjoyed have died and I haven't found that many new ones to replace them. Reich retired from teaching last spring at age 77. I am 75 and have been retired for 14 years. My jobs weren't interesting enough to entice me to stay longer. I saw an article, which I didn't read, about retirees going back to work. I don't have any desire to follow suit.

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