Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11

 Sunny today with possible thunderstorms developing this afternoon. I am sure my garden hose feels like an orphan--I have picked it up so seldom this year. Beryl gave us a lot of rain over the last two days but no really high winds or tornados up here. Southern Indiana got a couple.

Stray thought as I caught the morning (s)news: The Democrats really have their panties in a twist over Biden. I am almost at the point where I will vote third party no matter what happens with them. If they manage to push him out they will negate the votes of everyone who came out to vote for which ever candidate. I am sure every one just loves how the party pooh-bas disrespect them. And they are obsessing over a process they can't control. Biden may win; he may lose. Whoever they somehow choose to replace him (if they do) may win or lose. Right now it is a toss-up and we have no guarantees. But more than the "problem" of who heads the ticket is the fact that they still have no real policy to offer against the Republicans. There is a lot they can, and should, challenge in that watered down PROJECT 2025 with a crumb or two for the lower orders--which they can forget quickly if they win. In a battle between two devils I prefer to get out of the way.

I spent a couple of hours this morning pulling out four rounds of crocheting on my latest project. It just didn't look right. I misread the instructions on a row the provided the base pattern for what followed. Right now I am a bit past the rows I had to remake.

I do like Alexandria Ocasio Cortes. She just introduced a bill to impeach Justices Alito and Thomas. It won't go anywhere with the Republican majority but I am glad she introduced it anyway. The Democrats in the Senate have called on the Justice Department to investigate Justice Thomas' grift gifts.

Another stray thought: some people simply can't accept an answer or result they don't like. Not just Republicans who are still moaning about the election they say was stollen from them though no evidence of fraud in significant amounts to change the result. (Note to Republicans: YOU LOST. DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON.) But also Democrats who are insisting Biden "make his choice." I seem to remember that he said days ago that he isn't quitting the campaign. They seem to think there is something conditional there and the reporters are egging them on. (Note to Democrats: HE WON. DEAL WITH IT AND TRY TO HELP HIM WIN.)

Rhyd Wildermuth has some observations about the Olympic Games beyond the glitz and glamor. I have seen articles since the the Beijing Olympics about the displacement of residents in the areas where a venue is to be built. I didn't know the practice went back to the German games of 1936.

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