Monday, July 8, 2024

July 8

 Sunny today--so far. We had a couple of pulses of rain yesterday with sunshine for the rest. I think we have enough rain for the plants. I think this will be a morning for small chores and reading. And maybe some needlework.

Stray thought: Michael Moore appeared on a news/commentary show over the weekend to give his views on Biden's problems in this election. He made a point that in Michigan, where Moore lives, about 300k voters are either of Arab ancestry and/or Muslim and that group of voters are very unhappy with Biden's policy on the Israel/Hamas war. That block of voters represent more votes than Biden won during the last election. How many will support Biden in November or cast a "protest" vote for a third party, or refuse to play the "choose the least evil" game no one knows. I doubt many will go to the Republicans if they remember Trump's immigration policy and "shithole" countries remarks. Or the promises to round up immigrants for mass deportation which I doubt would be restricted to Hispanic people or to illegal immigrants.

Another point a different commentator made is that the protests over the Israel policy involved many young people born after September 11, 2001 and involved young people who are neither of Arab ancestry/heritage nor Muslim. These are politically active people who don't remember the Cold War or the last third of the 20th century except what they read in books or hear in history classes (if they had real history). To put that into familial terms: my siblings and I are Boomers (ages between 62 and 75; their children (my nieces and nephews) are millennials in their 40s (approaching 50) who are parents younger people in their 20s growing families of their own. The world has changed but the politics seem to be frozen in the Cold War. Our choices have come down to an old Cold Warrior and an old narcissist grifter felon with no political ideology or moral compass.  

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