Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24

 Partly sunny today with chances of intermittent rain. I went out and did some sweeping and weeding on the patio while things were fairly dry. I also moved a couple of the ties keeping the sunflowers connected (loosely) to the tall stakes. They are, probably, a month away from blooming.

Major irritation of the day: the female host on one of the supposedly conservative faux-news channels who claimed Harris slept her way up the political ladder. It is bad enough when men do that shit; it is absolutely unacceptable from an alleged woman.

Second irritation: JD Vance slamming Harris for a lack of accomplishment because she hadn't served in the military as JD had and she hadn't founded a successful business. Hey, JD, the man at the top of your party's ticket hasn't either. And he has a longer string of FAILED businesses (and other scams) than Harris' list of ELECTED offices she has won and lawsuits she has pursued and won against people like Trump. Just because she hasn't pursued the same career JD did doesn't mean she doesn't have experience or accomplishment.

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