Thursday, July 27, 2023

July 27

Good Afternoon on a sunny (for the most part) and very warm day. I watered plants very early this morning. We are staying in as much as possible. The next electric bill will be a big one with how often the air conditioner has been running.

The news this morning featured two stories of at least a mild interest. First, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started to make some remarks to reporters and--froze in mid sentence. I haven't heard anything firm about the cause. His aids and fellow senators helped him out and he seemed to have recovered when talking to reporters later. Second, Diane Feinstein had something more than a senior moment when she had to be prompted to say "yes" on one bill, and then was reminded she wanted to vote in favor of another and, after being prompted by an aid, had to correct her vote. Charlie Sykes started his morning piece on The Bulwark with comments on the American Gerontocracy. I saw the title of a Washington Post article from a couple of years ago which claimed that the senate at that time was the oldest ever (I didn't read because it is behind a pay wall.) However the 2024 election shakes out I think the decade marked by The Former Guy and Joe Biden will probably be the last hurrah for the Baby Boom generation simply because the population of Boomers hit its high in the mid 1990s and has been on the decline since. That decline is only accelerating and will continue from now on. The concern over a ruling gerontocracy will fade as that happens.

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