Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4

Another nice sunny day so--

Happy 4th to you all

 I don't have anything much planned. I will be very glad after all the people who want to shoot off fire works decide that the holiday week has passed. All of the holidays are at least a week long and if there is enough commercial interest it might even extend to a month or two. I get so tired of all the ads. But worse are all of the calls Mom is getting trying to sell her on either a more expensive Medicare Advantage plan or changing provider. There have been days when she got half a dozen calls from people who simply don't understand "NO."

I read that Elon Musk planned to put limits on how many tweets users could down load each day. I didn't pay much attention because I don't use Twitter. In fact, I stopped following a couple of posters who shifted to the platform. Dave Karpf does use Twitter and has a few interesting observations. I wondered when Musk bought Twitter after he won a bidding war by offering twice what the company was worth, tried to renege on the agreement to reduce the price by half but was forced to complete the deal when Twitter sued and won in court. Since then I suspected, and still suspect, he wants to drive the company into bankruptcy for spite and wounded pride.

Doomberg posted this article today in its entirety which is unusual. Most of its articles are only half available with the last half available to free subscribers. I read a post a few days ago where Farage described the fact that his bank was closing his accounts.

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