Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Temperatures are still above normal for this time of the year and the weather forecast says we are in for rain from later this afternoon through Thursday. I think I saw one of the peppers, which have been slow to germinate, starting to peek through the soil. I changed the arrangement of the heating pad which has transferred more warmth to the pots. Another two weeks and it will be time to start the tomatoes and peppers I plan to put into the garden as well as many of the other seeds.

Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow so they say it will be an early spring. I would say the birds agree with him. I have seen robins (as I said in a previous post) and many of our geese didn't go further south. My brother has said the same and even seen a couple of unusual birds will outside their normal range--possibly driven here by the savage storms both west and east of us. I don't know what the rest of the year will bring but our weather has already been weird.

I guess the Iowa caucuses were good for some things in spite of the boring run up. First, Trump did not win. Cruz did which is almost as bad and those two make Rubio look almost sane by comparison but his fairly close third place showing provides an alternative for those looking for something resembling sanity. Second, two more contenders, on Republican (Huckabee) and one Democrat (O'Malley) have dropped out. That de-clutters the field somewhat. Third, Clinton and Sanders finished in a virtual tie. Rather puts a stutter in the theme of inevitability the Clintons have spewed. Third, IT"S OVER. Iowa that is. The rest oozes on.

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