Sunday, September 24, 2017

We expect another hot day today so I will water what needs watering outside and do nothing else. I will wait until Wednesday when it should be a few degrees cooler. The geraniums are reviving nicely now that they have more shade. I will definitely have to change how I use them next year--keep them in pots I can move in and out of the gardens as the light changes.

Found this piece that I thought hit an intellectual bullseye. We had become very disgruntled with the offerings on our cable service for more than a decade. Our favorite channels were Scifi and the History Channel. However, gradually, from about 2007 we simply stopped watching them--and most other channels available to us. I got over the fascination over the notion of "ancient aliens" back when von Daniken wrote Chariots of the Gods. It didn't take me long to notice he had no evidence. He did have some interesting phenomena but just because you can't explain how the ancients did it doesn't mean the didn't or couldn't. We have almost given up watching TV.

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