Monday, March 19, 2018

Good morning on this day before the vernal equinox and the beginning of spring. I see the sun is just brushing the tops of my fence posts so my patio containers should be getting more sun and more warmth from the reflected sunlight off the fence.

Do you get the feeling that our world leaders are suffering from a testosterone overdose? I certainly do.

This is a perfect summary of the Florida bridge collapse:
Designed to withstand the biggest storms nature could throw at it, the structure couldn’t withstand a perfect storm of hasty planning, managerial incompetence, and human hubris.
 So, surprise!! Medicine still has a problem with inbuilt sexism. The article quoted once-upon-a-time Representative Pat Schroder saying "you fund what you fear" when it comes to what studies we choose (or our representatives choose for us) to study. And, I would add, you neglect to fund what you don't give a shit about.

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