Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Well, I'm back. Didn't see anything I really wanted to comment on or link to over the weekend. Sunday, of course, was a do-as-little-as-possible day because of the time change. I really, really, really do hate that and wish the whole thing would disappear. Yesterday was shopping and errands so little else was done.

I found this quirky little gem at Delancey Place. Fifty-five percent of the Korean population share five surnames and all trace back to a period 1400 years ago when the country was unified under one kingdom. By contrast--I looked up the most common English surnames in the U.S. and found that the top five occur in less than 5% of the population all together.

And in another quirky piece from Task and Purpose a few of the things we could provide for homeless veterans for the low-end-estimated cost of #45's ego-stroking military parade. This isn't about veterans or our country in general. It is solely about #45's vastly inflated ego and I, for one, am tired of the pandering. The whole idea is actually one step below my opinion of the "Thank you for your service" nonsense I have written about before. At least that bit of perfunctory, meaningless blather is cheaper.

Somehow, this story, also from Task and Purpose, doesn't surprise me. In fact, it reminds me of that flash-in-the-pan scandal over the contract to supply meals in Puerto Rico which was awarded to a company with only one employee (the owner) and a history of several government contracts cancelled for failure to fulfill those contracts.

Rude Pundit gets rude on Betsy De Vos who was totally incoherent on the 60 Minutes interview. I read excerpts of the interview and I rarely have ever seen such a thoroughly incoherent and unprepared interviewee. But, perhaps, that is why she is still Secretary of Education.

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