Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I constructed the spring wreath for the door yesterday and replaced the winter wreath. It didn't feel much like spring because, though the sun was bright all day, the wind was cold. I have a good bit more replacing to do in the gardens. I talked about the two containers that have cracked  but two more of the largest are also in sad shape. Both of them are in their, I think, third year which makes their deterioration a bit surprising. When I first started these gardens I used, mostly, found containers, often discarded plastic storage boxes. Over that time I added a few purchased containers of the same type because they were fairly cheap. The oldest ones lasted about five to six years before the plastic failed. The new ones are not nearly so well made. The storage boxes were a good idea because, as I said, they were cheap and they also provided a large space for the larger vegetables. I will replace them with five gallon buckets which are also cheap but are moveable which the others weren't when filled. On a positive note: four of my tomato seeds have definitely sprouted. All four of the Black Vernissage which were a freebee from Baker Creek. Maybe I will have another surprise when I check as I turn on the grow lights. (update: nothing else showing yet).

Another piece of history found.

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