Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15

 Supposed to be mostly dry today with possible showers later. And it should be warmer--in the mid 80s.

This is amusing. What does a high tech operation do when their high tech toys are not available? Evidently CNN got around the prohibition of electronics in the courthouse where The Former Guy was to appear for arraignment. They went old school. I have often felt that we are much too reliant on our high tech toys. Especially this morning when my computer's battery decided it didn't want to charge fully and one of my cats walked across the keyboard and sent everything into oblivion.

Robert Reich writes a good, concise essay on five traits of fascism and relates it to our current political environment. I have noticed sometime that all too many of our political leaders and their supporters are busily trying to narrow our definition of "democracy" to exclude people who might not vote the "right way" according to their lights.

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