Monday, June 5, 2023

June 5

It look like a slow start today. The temperature is cooler that overnights recently by about ten degrees. The high should only be about 80F. 

Given how cool the morning was I decided to do some major cooking. I am now finished after getting barbecued short ribs, a "loaded potato bake", asparagus for two+ meals, and cheese sauce done. That takes care of today and tomorrow. Cooking is the best strategy going into summer. I also harvested stevia, mojito mint, spearmint and peppermint all of which is now in the dehydrator.

Jane Braxton Little, who wrote a series of article about her experiences surviving a wildfire that destroyed her town in California, provides this piece on Tomdispatch. A lot of people might just be "Looking for Home in an Overheating World" in the near future and in this country as well as in foreign places. Almost all of the movements of peoples we have seen over the last couple of decades involved some form of environmental disaster which often was exacerbated by political responses. I will let you drill down into what has driven people from homes in east Africa, the Middle East, Central America and other places. The story did present some evidence for my gut feeling that the real solutions for the problem of how we adapt to a warming world will be found locally and individually. We won't find them at the national and world level. Too many disparate values and interests butting up against each other.

This post by Chris Hedges was cross posted by Bill Astore where I found it. I would love to see a third party throw the RepTHUGlicans and DAMNocrats into enough of a tizzy to make them rethink what they are doing and to whom they owe their jobs. I don't expect it but we have had insurgent parties displace established parties before--not often but it has happened.

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