Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1

 Welcome to meteorological Summer and the first day of Hurricane season, The forecasters say they expect an active one. We'll see how many develop and how many hit our coasts. The heat has already appeared in several places.  Last week Pakistan and India posted temperatures of 50+C--122+F. I have read of other unbelievably high temps.

Heather Cox Richardson posted this piece on her Letters From an American site. It is a long one and difficult to sum up concisely. However, I think she is right to say that, since the guilty verdict, Trump and his acolytes are showing signs of panic and desperation. Ten of those Trump Mini-me clones are insisting that they will refuse to pass any legislation and refuse to approve appointments until (someone in someway, somehow) exonerates their god. And our taxes pay those useless bastards six figure salaries.

Having watched the new Dune movies I decided to re-read (for the first time in a few decades) the first six Dune novels. I have seen all of the movies from the 1987 version through the mini-series and its Children of Dune sequel to the current two movie treatment. I am still working my way through my own thoughts.

Stray thought--I really resent the notion that the verdict somehow hands the election to Trump. So--we should let a political sleaze-bag commit crimes just so he might not be elected?? This is supposed to be a government of LAWS to which ALL citizens are equally subject. Evidently Republicans think that only applies to Democrats and other unreliably Republican people. "Good" Republicans are somehow above it all.

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