Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11

 Sunny with mild temps. I watered all of the plants. It has been cool enough that they didn't need much. All are looking good. I think all of the sunflower seeds were dead. Nothing sprouting yet and they have had enough time and warmth to sprout. Next time we have to go out shopping I might pick up a packed to new seeds.

I have read two articles on the intersection of climate and politics. One is a post this morning by Dave Karpf that republishes an article he wrote two years ago and is still relevant. The other is an article in The Atlantic posted yesterday written by George Packer. Both write about the population growth in the Phoenix area, water, and politics. At several points Packer cites a saying he heard often in his interviews: Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting. And the fighting is heating up and the sides intractable. Karpf asks if the climate change will lead to the rise of authoritarian politicians. One of the controversies in the E.U. which fueled the wins of hard right wing candidates was the efforts various governments have pushed to get to zero carbon emissions.

Joe Scarborough, on his morning talk/news show Morning Joe, asked Richard Haas to confirm his memory that the last time the right wing and nationalist parties made kind of gains they did in this last election Donald Trump was elected President here. Haas agreed. I hope history doesn't repeat. 

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