Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29

 We have had episodes of some nice rain for the last few days. Suits me because along as Mother Nature delivers the water I don't have to. The flowers are all blooming well. I noticed that the most of the herbs rushed to bloom almost like lettuce bolting in the heat. Right now it feels warmer than the 84° the Weather Channel is reporting. I stepped out to bring in the mail and felt like I was in a sauna because of the humidity. The predict more rain overnight and tomorrow.

In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread. Anatole France

I thought of the quote above when I read that the (Not-So)-Supreme Court when I read they ruled it was perfectly all right for the city of Grants Pass to prohibit homeless people from sleeping in public. And fines them for doing so as if they could really pay a fine. So, what next? Resurrecting the Victorian workhouses? Police escorting them, with drawn guns, to the city limits and telling them to get walking? Putting them in work gangs and renting them out to the good people of Grants Pass?

Biden's awful debate performance has some Democrats in a frenzy to find a way to either persuade him to withdraw or, failing at persuasion, find a way to replace him at the head of the ticket. What a bunch of bunch of faint-hearted cowards. Who do they think would be a better candidate? Biden lost the first couple of primary contests but North Carolina provided a comeback and he sailed through after. Perhaps the Party should have provided better candidates to challenge Biden. Given Trump is the Republican candidate I would vote for a Biden even if he were dead. I forgot which writer summed up the situation: neither man really presents a vision for the future of the country. Trump is all about revenge, pettiness, selfishness, grievance. Biden is for the status quo because we are, supposedly, the greatest country with the best economy. Where is the future for us as a country?

Linda Carole posted a good piece on Medium asking if we know what kind of jobs the richest men in the world are creating. The tease subheading indicates that they are angry because Boomers (my generation) simply don't understand what they are dealing with. Well I have never worked at Amazon or Walmart or any of the other "dirty dozen" companies listed in the article but throughout my life I have spent time in jobs that resembled the ones described. I started out buying the old saw that if you worked hard you will get ahead. Then I progressed to working hard to barely survive. By the time I retired I felt like I was working my self to death to not survive. It is rather depressing to realize that your full time job would never pay you enough to get your own efficiency apartment and live on your own.

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