Monday, June 10, 2024

June 8, 10

 Partly sunny today with rain probable later and overnight. I thought I would leave planting til tomorrow and rely on the expected rain to take care of watering. But some of the new plants looked a bit wilted. So I got out and planted the petunias I had put where I intended to put them and then watered everything. Nature, as usual, forces you to do something not planned.


I did get the gardens almost planted yesterday. Almost because I forgot to plant the dahlia I put on the pot where I intended to put it. I don't know if I will get it done today because we have clouds and may get rain. The upside is that the temperatures are cooler. Update: I just planted the dahlia I forgot yesterday. It is actual almost cold out there with a bit of a brisk breeze. It is so much of a boost to my mood to see blooming flowers and green plants. We will probably see that til mid to late November. I put in new peppermint and spearmint to replace the ones that died over last winter. I never had mints die in winter. I added four or five new perennials which I hope will make it in my micro-environment.

From the various news media have been saying a lot of people are not at all happy and the voting seems to back that up. Several countries have posted surprises like India's Modi who survived but with a slim majority when he was expected to win in a landslide. Germany and France both saw extreme right-wing, nationalist parties show surprising strength. Macron has called a snap parliamentary election to, he hopes, shore up his party. the U.K. has an election coming up that might turn the Conservative Party out of power and South Africa's voters rejected the ANC for the first time in thirty years. The pundits opine that voters are frustrated and turning against whatever party is in power. I wonder how it will go here. Neither party here is really out of power because we have a very divided government. And neither party can say their presidential candidate is an outsider. Our choice is between the arsonist who failed to win election in 2020 and the fireman who won.

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