Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13

 Sunny but we might have rain a bit later. The Weather Channel reported that thunderstorms are approaching Chicago which is about 50+ miles to the west of us.

Aurelian posted a long piece on his substak which I am keeping on my e-mail for re-reading. He takes his argument in a direction I didn't expect but parallels some of what I have felt for sometime--I just didn't express it in the same terms. I know that most of the new movies aren't at all appealing. When one seems interesting we wait and buy it as a DVD or BluRay. TV is extremely boring. The news/commentary channels are interminably repetitive and talk the very few stories covered to tatters. I don't buy as many books (either physical or electronic) as I once did. I read the description and feel I have read the themes too often before. Why bother? I need to mull over his contention about the disappearance of heroes.

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