Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 13

 Almost half past May. It's already been a stressful morning. My iPad suddenly shut down because the battery was almost drained. I don't know why it failed to charge over night. I was in the middle of a new e-book when it quit. Well it is now recharging but why it wasn't before I have no idea. It is recharging now so I hope all will be well. On the garden front, I saw something hopefully: the lemon balm and the mojito mint are trying to rise from near death. Yesterday was wet and cool. Today is wet and cool. Tomorrow is supposed to be less wet, overcast, and cool. I have a couple of places where they will get less sun and hopefully less heat.

I saw an interesting segment of a story on the Turkish elections coming up tomorrow. One of the interviews talked to a young woman wearing a hijab who planned to vote for Erdogan because he ended the government's ban on women's scarves. Her comment was that she felt free of the "tyranny of secularism." Another young woman, without a headscarf, planned to vote for Erdogan's opponent because she feared that the growing Islamism would take away her right not to wear a hijab. We have seen such struggles often in our history. For a long time many of the states had blue laws which forbade stores opening on Sunday. Even when those laws were nullified other laws restricted the sale of alcohol in stores on Sunday. We have had repeated struggles over gambling often led on one side by religious groups. Part of the issue over abortion is based in religious sensibilities that have never easily beside permissive secular attitudes. Sadly we never seem to find a "live and let live" balance. The young woman who is voting for the opposition in Türkiye cited harassment from religious individuals because she chooses not to wear the scarf.

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