Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May 3

We had very gusty winds last night. The whistling kept me from sleeping well. Mom mentioned seeing a flash of lightning but whether we had rain with it we don't know. It is still too dark to see if things are wet outside. Next week should be in the 60s and 70s next week with nightly temps in the 40s and 50s. We plan to visit two of the garden shops we haven't visited for several years.

I guess this shouldn't be a surprise. Bloomberg reports Chicago has just concluded a $1billion deal to sell Lake Michigan water. They are hoping to attract chip and other water hog industries as port of the "blue economy." Chicago politicians are hoping to conclude more deals with the help of a federally program. I wonder what Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin think of the deal. I remember when Atlanta has a severe drought that nearly dried up its reservoir and proposed building a pipeline from the Great Lakes to Atlanta. Every state and Canada protested and Atlanta didn't help its case when news stories reported that wealthy residents simply paid a low fine and continued to fill their swimming pools and water their lush lawns. Since Lake Michigan is entirely within the U.S. boundaries I don't expect much from Canada but the other three states bordering the lake might not appreciate the move.

The RHYME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER spoke of "water, water everywhere--and not a drop to drink." Well, that can be rewritten as "water, water nowhere--not to drink or to grow food." This time we are considering the conditions in Spain where the Tagus river is low and a lot of farm land in areas that grow fruits and vegetables that feed a lot of people throughout Europe.

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