Monday, May 15, 2023

May 16

 Welcome to half-past May and hope everyone had a great Mothers' Day. Ours was quiet. Several of the family called Mom and the elder of my brothers sent a very pretty bouquet of flowers. We had spotty rain yesterday and chilly temps. The forecast is for mostly cloudy and cool again today. I will late til tomorrow to do anything outside.

David Kaiser posted "Why U.S. medical care can't be fixed." At first I read the title as "medicare" rather than "medical care" but the arguments apply to medical care generally and to Medicare specifically. Each new procedure or new drug seems to be far more expensive and deliver significantly less. It has been well reported for at least the last 30 years that medical care in the U.S. costs far more than anywhere else in the world but by every measure falls far behind all advanced  nations and many of the poorer ones. I saw a story over the weekend about two cases of ringworm in New York City where the causal fungus is resistant to multiple anti-fungal drugs used to treat it.The resistant strain has been responsible for an increasing number of cases in Asia and one of the two patients had recently returned from Asia. The other had never been outside the U.S. And I also read over the last couple of months that ringworm cases are increasing in the southern U.S. Guess which kinds of drugs are NOT being developed by our Pharma industry--anti-fungals and antibiotics. Take a look at the role the industry lobbyists have played in making sure that the companies could rake in obscene profits both on the front end when they get subsidies to develop the drugs and on the back end where health insurance companies and Medicare/Medicaid have to pay for them.

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