Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good Morning, everyone. Yippee!!! We have bright sun and blue skies for the first time in a while. Hope it stays. I do like the change of seasons but winter is the one season I wish were much briefer.

I am also glad that the latest season of public mea culpas has ended. I really don't care about any of them. Harry Reid merely said, in what he (silly man!!) thought was a private setting what many thought. I care even less about McGuire's confession and apology. I don't care how tearfully it was delivered and I don't care if he gets into the hall of fame. And the apology I care least about is Blogo's 'blacker than Obama" apology. The sincerity of the last two is totally underwhelming. I absolutely resent the ridiculous amount of time the news media spent on these non-issues.


Well, it is now the day after I started this post. That seems to be the pattern for now. There isn't much to say about the political mess that hasn't been said already. Especially now that the primary silly season has started in earnest. We got a bit of a laugh yesterday when we saw one of the Republican commercials. The candidate not only wants no new taxes but claims to have a plan to cut taxes. Mom was working a crossword puzzle and looking at a 3 letter word for 'no new taxes.' Are you stumped? Answer was 'lie.' Now that was not only clever but too true.

Then there was my 2 cents worth on the matter. I asked who the (insert derogatory noun) plans to push under the nearest bus. Does anyone remember when (under Dear Ronnie's regime) they reformed welfare to workfare and pushed mothers with small children into the workforce by providing state sponsored child care? Now some of those child care providers are closing because the STATE hasn't paid them. I will let you provide your best guesses on the looming situation.

We just had the sun come out. My goodness, I don't know what to do with myself. Sun two days in a row!!!

The earthquake in Haiti, coming just days after a more moderate one on the west coast, brought up the subject of weird weather and related phenomena over coffee this morning. It started with the massive snow falls of January and continued to the deep freeze of February followed by the wet and cold spring and the dry and cold summer. Oh, and I can't forget the dust storms that have come up from Australia to our southwest to the middle east and northern China. The recent blizzards in North China and the Koreas, England and our mid-west just continues the pattern. Georgia went from a multi-year drought that almost had Atlanta sucking mud to drenching rains that ended the harvest seasons before they actually got started. And there are the freezes that have threatened the strawberries in south Alabama and the citrus in Florida, and then sent temperatures to the low 40s in the Caribbean. Did I say weird? I think I did.

1 comment:

Looking to the Stars said...

Glad you got some sun :)

Ronnie sure gave us a great puppet show didn't he (LOL)

Yes, the word is lie, that's all they can do now to try and get their votes. I think we have sunk to an all time low in this country.

The weather gets stranger and stranger every where but they won't do anything about it or anything to prevent further wierdness.

take care