Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tuesday July 24

Started out gloomy but the sun has come out nicely. I have a dehydrator full of cinnamon basil with a few scattered strawberries. I will use both for tea over the winter.

We are expecting guests today so I probably won't get much else done.

Wednesday July 25

Well, I was right. I didn't get much done yesterday. Our guests stayed longer than I thought they would.

I hope to finish off the cinnamon basil today and harvest another load for the dehydrator.

This article says a lot of what we have already concluded.

I read stories like this and ask the "What if?" question. Situations in this country also rouse concerns.

Ronni Bennett at Time Goes By has been writing about all facets of aging for a long time now. She is going to depart from her usual policy of not covering politics unless it is connected to her major theme and, intermittently, discuss broader political challenges. Good!! Those issues, sooner or later (usually sooner), come back to bite us no matter our age. Some of us will simply have to live with the fallout longer.

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