Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wednesday July 4

I would say Happy Independence Day but I am not at all sure we have much of our lauded independence left thanks to our own government.

We are taking things easy today and tomorrow. No heavy lifting. I did sweep the living/dining room carpet and the new vacuum works wonders. I am starting to reorganize stuff in the What-not room--at least getting things back on the shelves. Later I will do a final reorganization so I, hopefully can find things when I want them. We spent all morning yesterday trying to get someone to come out and repair our freezer. When that failed we went to three different stores before finding a suitable replacement that will arrive on Monday. That was when Sears (it is a Kenmore we bought from then only 6 years ago) could schedule a technician to diagnose (not necessarily fix) the problem. Once upon a time Sears provided good service but waiting six days and spending almost $100 with no guarantee that the problem would be fixed that day watching a freezer full of food melt simply did not meet our definition of good service. That alone should be a good indication of why Sears (as a company) is on the ropes. We got four bags of ice from a local supermarket and that seems to be keeping things cold enough to slow the thawing. We will be extremely careful about the condition of our meat before we cook and eat it. More so than usual. We finally got back home exhausted, irritable, and with aching joints and muscles. We don't normally walk that much at one time.

The Archdruidess has this little graphic on "The Rules of the Witch's Home." I like it. Consider it adopted here.

This is not the America I once knew and loved. And it certainly doesn't make me proud to be an American. But that seems to put me in the majority of those who answered a recent Gallup poll. I am not surprised that Repthuglicans feel differently.

A thought provoking piece from John Michael Greer. I do have a few quibbles. What are the necessary conditions for "equality of opportunity?" That is only one. I have to think about some other items a bit.

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