Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday July 1

We had a good laugh with this post from the Archdruidess. In case you wondered where our National Nightmare came from.

And another excellent repost from the Archdruidess.

We have been reading and discussing #45's "short list" for the Supreme Court. We take it with a grain of salt on the one hand because he changes his mind more than a woman exercising her prerogative as a woman. Mom commented on the fact that two women were listed but I noted that they might not be any more friendly toward women or other groups at the bottom of the social/economic hierarchy than the men. Echidne evidently found some interesting facts about one of those women,

I have been saying and thinking much of what is in this post for some time. All of our traditional narratives (competition, materialism, individualism) have been driven to the extreme and that is where they break down. Whether the ever worked as well as we have been told (probably not) isn't really the point any more. The point is they aren't working now and haven't been for a good while. But our elites seem to want to double down on the busted system which only benefits them.

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