Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good morning, all. Not much planned for the garden today. Got the lemon verbena, rosemary, and mums transplanted and that was the main work for yesterday. The verbena and rosemary are half the size (above and below ground) they were and inside. I will put them out on the patio when the temps warm up. We have low 60s right now. Otherwise, all I need to do is trim here and there and check for any ripe veggies. Next week I have to order a couple of Top Hat blueberry bushes. By the time they are shipped I will have clear spots in the beds for them. I hadn't intended to do that till spring but I checked the Burpee site and they accept orders for fall shipment. Makes sense. That gives them the fall and winter to get established for next year. Update--I decided not to wait on lacing that order. Just did it.

All of those regulators and politicians who were so hot to protect individuals from the potential dangers of buying drugs from foreign sources ought to be going spastic over this story. But I haven't heard a word of outrage over either the shortage os so many drugs or the back-channels many hospitals are forced to use to get them.

Yeah, Kay, the garden is producing well--the best yet. The peppers may produce enough that the only ones we will buy are the nice big belles for stuffed peppers. We just finished what we got last year as this year's plants started producing. We won't get enough stewed or sauced tomatoes to carry through the winter but it will put a dent in what we have to buy. And ours smell and taste so much better. I hope the beans produce enough to completely take care of us. Right now they are developing nicely and I should be able to start harvesting next week. So far the timing has been really good. As the tomatoes slacked off the peppers have picked up. I haven't been overwhelmed by picking and prepping. On the string ball gardens--I suspect that they either move the balls indoors in the winter or they clean them out and store them for next season.

Now this is a 'contract' I can totally agree with!! Much better than that Repthuglican nonsense.

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