Thursday, September 15, 2011

Good morning, Everyone.  Only 48 F this morning and some areas west of us dipped into the 30s. We saw fog on our upstairs windows this morning.  It won't be much longer and we will have to close up and put the plastic up.  Mom put on a sweatshirt and I put on long-sleeve turtleneck this morning.  The high may reach 60 but not much more.  We had some rain yesterday so I didn't do any work in the containers.  I did trim and water the lemon verbena, rosemary, and the mint slips.  They seem to be doing very nicely. Hope that continues.

The idiocy has continued in politics and economics so I haven't had much to say.  I might have to learn a couple of new languages so I have a new set of swear words to use.  My current vocabulary has been so over used.

Our evening news last night carried a segment on this phenomenon.  We have used coupons on occasion but we so seldom see coupons for what we buy that couponing, extreme or otherwise, simply isn't worth the effort.  Mom has even looked over several of the on-line coupon sites but found nothing worthy while.

So Wal-Mart has decided to be nice to women.  After years of fighting gender discrimination suits they have decided that maybe they should change their ways.  I, for one, will wait to see what happens--if anything.

And this one should be filed in the 'deja vu all over again' folder.

CNN just mentioned (in passing) that banks are filing more foreclosures 'following the robo-signing scandal.'  'FOLLOWING??!!'  I yelled.  'Following' implies that the scandal is over and it isn't.  The banks are still trying to negotiate what amounts to immunity for their past crimes.  And several state attorneys-general have filed objections to the settlement as proposed and pushed by Iowa's AG.

This blog post has some really cute pictures.  Take a look at the 'Community Vehicular Reclamation' project photo.

Crooks & Liars put up this post with a clip from Stephen Colbert's show.  He suggests that the Grim Reaper is the logical running mate for any Repthuglican Presidential candidate.  Actually, I think Death ought to hold out for the top spot.

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