Monday, January 29, 2018

We have snow today--light but enough to coat the ground and other surfaces. The weather people predict temps in the 20s and low 30s for the next week. Our shopping only took an hour. We just had a few things to replace and veggies to get for the week.

Ronni Bennett has a question on her post today "how old is old?" and an interesting discussion of the issue. The old notion that "you're only as old as you feel" is somewhat idiotic. Somedays I feel like I am in my 50s and others I feel 75 (or older). While we suffered through our colds a month ago I felt like 100 going on death. For the most part I feel like the 68 (69 in April) my birth certificate and driver's license say I am. When did I really have to come to grips with my age? When, at 59, I was interviewed for a type of job I had held all too frequently during my adult life I was told I was "overqualified." Given my background, I was overqualified the last three or four times I held that kind of job so what was the difference? Only my chronological age. There are compensations, however. I have been overweight most of my adult life but now it doesn't bother me. I do try to eat healthy but I eat when I am hungry and I eat what I want. I no longer think about time and money wasters like hair stylings/perms or make up. I have culled my wardrobe to what is comfortable: tee shirts, flannel shirts, jeans, and sweats (depending on the season.) I don't own a dress or skirt and hope never to wear one again. I don't care which female entertainer "of a certain age" has a line of rejuvenating skin treatments, or diet, or exercise program. They make their living in part on their physical appearance. I don't. I don't care which octogenarian is skydiving, or running a marathon, or powerlifting. I couldn't do that when I was 30 and I don't want to do it now. I am fine with that. I will applaud but won'd emulate. How old is old? Depends to whom you listen and I don't listen to many such opinions any more.

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