Thursday, January 25, 2018

We should have temps in the 40s today and the 50s tomorrow. But, of course, the roller coaster continues. I really wish spring, real spring, would hurry up. Winter isn't as much of an annoyance as it used to be when I had to go out in all kinds of crappy weather to a crappy job (for the most part). But it won't ever be my favorite season.

Found this interesting article at Foreign Policy In Focus questioning whether #45 isn't just a racist, misogynist, lying (etc., etc.,) incompetent but actually. . . evil. Feffer makes a good case for answering "yes." Which then leads to the question of what about those who condone his actions? "Handsome is as Handsome does" the old saying goes which is a double edged concept. What if Handsome doesn't do handsomely but ugly instead? Is s/he still handsome. Perhaps, as Soren, the vampire in "Unraveled," says "Monster isn't what you are but what you do." (That is part of the Deadly Curiosities series by Gail Z. Martin for those not acquainted with the work.)

Tom Englehardt has a good post at Tomdispatch this morning and he is absolutely right in all respects. It reflects what we have felt here for some time. Mom used to say that the nightly news programs were the comedy of the day. She laughed while I cried (or cursed). Now I resist putting on the news for any more than it takes to get the weather forecast.

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