Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good Morning, Everyone.  We still have wind but the precipitation will leave us alone for a couple of days.  I hope so.  I looked out on the patio yesterday and was a bit surprised to see one, and only one of my big containers looked fully water logged.  It doesn't look so bad today so maybe it was just a little slow draining.  I will have to check them out more closely tomorrow--when the temps will, I hope, be in the mid fifties.

I don't know if anyone stopping by tats.  I have been picking up the basics of needle tatting off and on for the last few months.  In my journey through the google alerts this morning I found this blog and the Tatting Goddess has a really cute picture.  Check it out.  It brought a smile and an 'Oh, how CUTE!' from me and a giggle from Mom.

Ari LaVaux at Alternet has an updated analysis of the Food Safety Modernization Act (H.R. 875) and the Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act (H.R. 759).  As usual any time we have a perceived crisis we also get a flurry of proposed legislation some of which may be needed and/or well considered but most of which is overkill.  Both of these bills strike me that way.  The food contamination scares that have made the headleadlines came from industrial processing sources that should have been regulated by already established state and federal agencies.  Those agencies simply did not do their job.  Better to revamp the agencies and give them the money and people to do their jobs than impose a new set of complex laws.

Thanks to Kay at Kay's Thinking Cap for noting that Ronni Bennett's birthday is today.  I haven't gotten to Ronni's blog yet but I will.  I visit every day.  So here's wishing her a happy birthday and many more healthy and vigorous returns of the day.


Looking to the Stars said...

The agencies that are in place to keep us safe are not doing it and I wish I knew why. here in my town, there are 8 resturants that we won't go to because we kept getting sick and the health people keep saying "we don't have the people to do the job". Well, there are a lot of people out of work who would love a job. But, they say they don't have money for that. what a catch 22 we have gotten ourselves into.Meanwhile we have to watch the food we buy and where we eat. :(

Kay Dennison said...

Thanks for the link!!!!

Miss Ruby us still trimmed in white. Allegedly, we'll be warmer tomorrow. and almost nice by the weekend. I hope your plants survive.

I don't tat but I always thought it would be fun to try. Alas! I think it's one if those things that I simply cannot do.

Aren't you an Elderblogger yet? Better question: Are you old enough? If you are, I'm sure you'll be joining us soon. Ronni checks out all those who visit and comment. One of my proudest moments was when I got an really nice email from Ronni telling me that she added me to the list.

MaryContrary said...

Oh, yes, Kay!! I am definitely an Elderblogger. I remember how overjoyed I felt when Ronni added my blog to her list. I am just learning how to add badges to the list. I am also a member of Elderwomanspace but that badge has so far eluded my efforts. Don't worry about the plants. They are still inside and will be until mid-May.