Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hello, again.  Yesterday was a bit chilly though nice and sunny.  We are expecting mid 50s today.  I will be out putting some new drain holes in at least one of my containers.  It was as water logged as I thought it was.  Surprisingly the other containers are not and they are sitting right be side it.  I haven't jumped the gun on putting plants out.  However impatient I am for the garden goodies I know better.  Not until mid May and then with fingers crossed.

I really don't know what has come over some people.  How many news reports have we heard or read about idiots who call 911 to report something wrong with the food or service at some restaurant or fast food place lately?  Here is one I found this morning.  A restaurant not putting enough shrimp in a dish to satisfy a customer is NOT a crime.  Complain to the management.  Complain loudly to your friends and family. Never patronize the place again.  But don't call 911 because that IS a crime.  I hope the witch bets well prosecuted.

This post at Instructables came by way of Elizabeth at Urban Garden Hoe who is a person after my own heart.  Right now my container garden has two large storage bins (one rescued from the trash), three Tidy Cat litter tubs, one litter box, one old fish tank, one old pet water dish and various pots collected over the years.  My seedling trays are old styrofoam egg cartons (with the lids providing the drip trays) and various cream cheese, cottage cheese and margarine containers are the transplant pots.  I might have to keep the plastic half gallon juice bottles for that now that we are no longer buying cream cheese and margarine in the plastic tubs.  We would love to try the upside down plantings but have no place we can hang them.  Oh well, can't do everything.

Kevin Phillips is always provides insightful pieces whether on TPM Cafe (as today) or in his books (like Bad Money and American Theocracy).  We are indeed witnessing the disaster phase of financialization.

1 comment:

Looking to the Stars said...

It makes no sense to me why people call 911 for this sort of thing. Your story is the third one that I've heard about. Are people really this stupid?
Sounds like your garden will be a good one.I can't have one here, the ground is too sandy.I tried with gardening boxes but the squirrels got into them and I refuse to harm any critter. My in laws had a garden every year so i would get my veggies from them but they retired and moved 3 years ago so I get stuff from the farmers market when I need fresh veggies, not the same as doing it yourself.