Good morning, again, everyone on this 4th of July. It is amazing to think that this year is already half over. I thought I would post a few pictures of my 'jungle.' This is what is on my potting bench (formerly patio table). From back to front: impatiens, miniature roses, and bamboo.

These are the first peppers. The Giant Marconi appears to be living up to its name. They are already 4+ inches. The large Tidy Cat pails make excellent planters. All they need are a few holes in the bottom.
The east side of the patio with King Kuma surveying his kingdom from his second favorite throne. Usually he is on the trash tote.

Sorry this one is a little fuzzy. You can make out the first of the ground cherry fruits in the top center. They look like little Chinese lanterns at this stage. When they are ripe the outer wrapper opens up and the cherry drops to the ground. You are not supposed to take them before because they are slightly toxic until they are fully ripe.

This is the Juliet style Roma tomato and it is producing very well. I am looking forward to when they are ripe and we can put up some sauce.
1 comment:
Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
We now know the answer to that:
Very, very well!!!!!
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