Thursday, September 24, 2015


Appointment with the eye doctor today so not much else planned.  I got the feverfew and spearmint ground and packaged up yesterday so the dehydrators are clear and ready for the next batch but I won't collect that till tomorrow.  Fall is a mirror image of Spring.  Instead of slowly putting in the gardens I am slowly taking out plants and getting every thing ready for winter.

I saw an amusing lead into a story on Pope Francis first thing this morning.  Evidently he passed up lunch with our congressional and senatorial leaders--to eat lunch with the poor.  I think he made a good choice there.  And maybe brought a few egos back down to earth.

Starting a work day (or school day) before 10am is the equivalent of torture??  Well,  I can agree with that pretty much.  But I would go on to say that our entire working environment is torture for which we are seriously underpaid.  But then when ever have the torturers paid their victims at all--much less adequately.

The VW scandal widens.  I wonder where it will stop.

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