Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good Sunday to all.  The heat broke yesterday afternoon.  We watched our patio thermometer top out at about 92 before falling back into the 80s.  We turned off our air conditioner about 8:30 and opened the window upstairs.  A nice rain has fallen this morning.  No thunder or lightening or high winds--just a nice rain.  (Correction: we just got some thunder). I won't water today and for the next five will go back to selective watering.  I may not get anything done today if the rain continues--and I hope it does.  And I hope it goes east to where they really need it.  Kuma just came in soaking wet.  He was outside when the rain started and refuse come in.  I can't blame him.  I hated closing everything up during the heat.

Maha makes some good points about the wind/storm caused power outages that were so prevalent over the last two weeks.  I don't expect anything will be done to change the current situation.  Not when we have a major political party that thinks government shouldn't govern, that the market is rational, and that capitalism will find a workable market solution.  That is all a crock of bull.

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