Sunday, May 27, 2018

I did a bit of rearranging in the gardens. I moved the oregano and 7 strawberries inside on newly constructed hangers. I will be able to water and tend them more easily. I like to get out and do that early usually in my nightgown and robe thanks to the 6-foot solid fence. It was already warm so I didn't do anything more than look at the rest of the plants while I watered them. I also took the trays from the grow light sets upstairs and brushed them off before rinsing them. When they have dried I will put them back in place ready for my nest foray into seed starting and growing something under lights.

An interesting article about the "riot" of school shootings. I have some doubts of how effective the "gun-violence restraining order might be. What would constitute "proof" that someone is a threat? Would the police be able to confiscate not only the guns of the suspect himself but also those of his family members? The parents of the Texas shooter gave guns the police had confiscated back the the young man. I could continue but you get the idea.

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